+1 (949) 852-8709 STUDENT ENROLLMENT | +1 (949) 416-0316 AIRCRAFT DISPATCH

Commercial Pilot Rating

Earning Your Rating

The Commercial Pilot Rating allows a pilot to accept payment for transporting passengers or cargo (when complying with FAR PART 135 or 121.) The certificate is required for other pilot positions such as flight instruction, banner towing, and aerial photography.

The certificate never expires. Training may be accomplished in any of our glass panel, Technically Advanced Aircraft (TAA). This training fine tunes piloting skills. Minimum age requirement is 18 years and the course, based on 2-3 sessions per week, is normally about two months.


Flight Training Sequence

  1. Complex airplane
  2. Advanced ground reference maneuvers
  3. Advanced takeoffs and landings
  4. Advanced flight maneuvers
  5. Extended cross-county flying
  6. Review for the FAA written test
  7. Review for the FAA checkride

It’s Easy!

Step 1.

Submit the Online Enrollment Application Form

Step 2.

Pay $250 Application Processing Fee

Step 3.

Schedule Your Appintment for Enrollment and Flight Training!

OCFC Resources

OCFC Course Program and Rates

Click here for more information on
OCFC Course Program & Rates

FAA Part 141 Requirements

Visit the FAA Website for a complete list of
Part 141 requirements.

FAA Part 61 Requirements

Visit the FAA Website for a complete list of
Part 61 requirements.

Where Excellence is Standard and Flight Safety Comes First!