A discretionary 15% Course Completion Discount “CCD” discount will be credited to an account after an enrolled student completes 40 hours of flight training. “CCD” are course completion credits and are not redeemable in cash or checks or refunds and are issued at the discretion of OCFC. “Course Completion Discount Credits “CCDC” are only redeemable for flight training/instruction and/or aircraft rental at OCFC related activities and at any and all CFC training/charter facilities and affiliated institutions throughout the United States. In the calculation of “CCD” the actual monies spent by the student towards any flight training programs offered by OCFC is taken into account.
This will not include any Block rate credits given to any enrolled student as Block Rate credits. Meaning that “CCDC” equals 15% of ALL cash payments made by an enrolled student minus any block rate credits given to the student. In effect any student enrolled as 1-4 above at the time of enrollment is eligible for a total of about 25% in discount credits which includes Block rate credits (10% for funds deposited in excess of $1500.00) plus Course Completion Discount credits. Furthermore, it is imperative that an enrolled student maintain their status as members of the Aviation Groups listed on the Education Discounts page at all times during their flight training at OCFC. Any student not enrolled as such at the time of enrollment will not be eligible for “CCDC” under any circumstances.

Please Note:
In order for any student to avail of any discounts and discount credit offered, their account should be in good standing at all times, which means that the student account cannot have a negative balance at any time during the training period.
All education discounts are credited to individual accounts based upon fees actually paid and spent at the completion of 40 hours of training only. Furthermore, any discount offered by OCFC, whether written or verbal, is not an obligation but at the sole discretion of OCFC.