FREE Ground School Training
Flying for fun or professionally is incredibly rewarding. It takes a lot of dedication, training, and integrity to maintain a safe environment for you and the people around you. This course is designed to help the student pilot prepare for the Private Pilot knowledge exam required by the Federal Aviation Administration. Additionally, the ground school course may serve as a source of supplemental training to those who have already completed a ground school course or may already possess a private pilot certificate. For those seeking a logbook endorsement, the ground school instructor will endorse the appropriate portion of your logbook upon successful completion of the course. Both the Private Pilot Knowledge test and Practical Test are required by 14 CFR 61.103 to satisfy the requirements set by the FAA to receive a private pilot certificate.
Passing the FAA Exam
Your Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) at OCFC will ensure you’ve got the knowledge to pass your FAA written and practical (flying) exams with ground school sessions before and after your flights. But it’s up to you to learn and study the materials at your own pace.
Most people are busy with multiple commitments. OCFC finds most of our students prefer a self-paced computer-based training program.

It’s Easy!
Step 1.
Submit the Online Enrollment Application Form
Step 2.
Sign-Up for FREE Ground School Training under Part 61
Orange Coast College
Orange County Flight Center is the “Flight Lab” for Orange Coast College aviation courses, including classroom ground school. OCC students can obtain an Associate degree in Aviation Science from Orange Coast College.
OCC’s program prepares students to become professional pilots or flight operations specialists. The program can be tailored to meet the needs of individual students and is designed for students without any flying experience.
OCFC and Orange Coast College use the simple and effective ground training methods of author & pilot Rod Machado.
Cessna Flight Training
The Cessna pilot course is an all-new scenario-based flight training course, developed exclusively for Cessna by the experts at King Schools.
The web-based courses provide everything you need to obtain your pilot licenses and certificates. It’s been designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to embrace your future in aviation.
Required Materials:
- Jeppesen Guided Discovery Private Pilot textbook
- Current Los Angeles Sectional and Terminal Area Chart
- Current Southwest Chart Supplement
- Mechanical E6-B Flight Computer
- Sectional Plotter
- Aeronautical Chart User’s Guide
Suggested Materials:
- Current FAR/AIM combination
- Notebook/Electronic Device for taking notes
- Page Tabs
- Pens/Pencils/Highlighters/Eraser
The Private Pilot Ground School is a 9-week course that meets twice per week for two hours each session from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM with breaks as needed. The ground school consists of three stages. Stage one covers chapters 1-3. Stage two covers chapters 4-7. Stage three covers chapters 8-11. At the end of stages one and two, an exam is given to cover the respective chapters. The stage three exam is a comprehensive final exam given on the last official day of class. The course totals 36 hours of training including presented material and three exams in preparation for the FAA knowledge test. There are required readings and assignments prior to each class to ensure familiarization of material and a building block style of learning.
- Introduce students to aviation and present opportunities within the industry.
- Serve as a source of supplemental training for those who have already completed a ground school course or may already possess a private pilot certificate.
- Prepare students to pass the Private Pilot Knowledge test with a minimum passing score of 70% as established by the FAA.
Late Start
A student may join the course at the beginning of any class session. However, the student will not be eligible to take any exam until that student has completed all the lessons applicable to those stages.
Course Completion
Students will be required by written exam that the knowledge required for the Private Pilot Knowledge Exam as prescribed in 14 CFR Part 61/141 has been met. The minimum passing grade is 70% for the FAA knowledge test. To be considered eligible for a logbook endorsement, Orange County Flight Center requires a minimum grade of 80% on the final exam.
Missed Classes
In the event a student misses no more than three regularly scheduled ground lessons, that student may complete the missed ground lesson by directed self-study, which will be conducted under the supervision of your instructor.
The instructor reserves the right to require additional training prior to endorsing a student for the knowledge test.
2023 Course Schedule
Private Pilot Ground School Training Course with two sessions per week.
Two, 9-week courses will run consecutively.