OCFC Flight Simulator
The Redbird MCX
The Redbird MCX is a superior-quality, full motion, feature-rich Advanced Aviation Training Device, equipped to provide real-world flight training. Unlike simulators at other training facilities, the MCX is a full-motion simulator, providing training that is as realistic as possible without leaving the ground.
Full Motion Means Full Experience
In addition to the convenience and superior experience provided by a full-motion flight simulator, the Redbird has some secondary flight simulator advantages, including the ability to train in any condition.
Airplane training can’t always take place when instrument conditions exist due the constraints of the air traffic control system. The simulator can always fly. Additionally, instrument students are seldom affected by wind when flying airplanes in southern California.
The MCX serves up a level of realism that is simply unavailable in other training devices. The Redbird MCX also provides scenario-based training, which allows the student or instructor to set up situations that mimic the real world. In this simulator, you can set up custom scenarios that allow you to “pre-fly” your next vacation or training destination without leaving the ground. This simulator is a great tool for pilots and students of all levels.

Step 1. Make Payment
Step 1. Schedule Your Flight Simulation Training
Step 3. Learn to Fly!